
作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2015-03-11 04:29

大家还记得 Telltale 在去年底推出的“无主之地”系列最新作——冒险游戏 Tales From The Borderlands《无主之地传说》吗?这款游戏继承了 Telltale 游戏的特色,游戏将通过实时过场动画展示剧情发展,玩家则在限定的时间内,点选分支选项,从而决定后续剧情。它既是 AVG ,也更像一款互动电影。游戏第二章近日发布了预告,一起来先睹为快吧!





游戏被设定为 FPS 游戏《无主之地2》的后续故事,而背景设置在潘朵拉星球,整个故事以视频中所示的男主角 Rhys 和女主角 Fiona 为主要的线索人物。游戏的第二章以 Atlas Mugged 为名,剧情将从第一章 Zer0 Sum 的结局开始,将围绕 Gortys 计划被发现、Handsome Jack 的“幽灵”现身等谜题展开。




《天将雄师》成龙主演电影改编手游 DuangDuang加特效

玩家狂热自制!《拳皇97 OL》燃值爆表视频



****Episode 1: Zer0 Sum is now FREE**** Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series from the award-winning adventure game powerhouse Telltale Games. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands’ trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness. You’ll play as Rhys, a Hyperion ‘suit’ with dreams of being the next Handsome Jack, and Fiona, a Pandoran con artist looking to score her biggest ever swindle. Thrown together as unwilling partners in an adventure to recover cash they both think is theirs, their journey will take you on a wild ride where gangsters, bandit lords, and Vault Hunters are just some of the obstacles you’ll encounter, in this new take on the award-winning universe created by Gearbox Software. ***Save over 20% on additional episodes in Tales from the Borderlands by purchasing the Season Pass [Episodes 2-5] via in-app*** The Season Pass is the best value and entitles you to all four remaining episodes at a discount when compared to buying each episode individually (All Episodes Available Now). SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Minimum specs: GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra 4 CPU: Dual core 1.2GHz Memory: 1GB - - - - The game will run on the following devices but users may experience performance issues: - Galaxy S2 – Adreno - Galaxy S3 Mini Unsupported Device(s): - Galaxy Tab3 - Droid RAZR[详情]