
  • 《亡灵杀手》预计9月移动双平台上线

    发布时间:2018-08-15 01:25

    地牢战棋吸血鬼 这款《亡灵杀手》制作人新作据说很肝?人或吸血鬼在那个手游刚刚冒出头的年代,呆毛玩过一款叫做《亡灵杀手》的游戏,这是一款动作手游,华丽的画面、流畅的操作,还有炫目的特效,十分让人暴爽,在很长一段时间内呆毛再也没有玩过如此令人瞠目结舌的作品,即使放在手游当道的如今,它...[详情]

  • 《亡灵杀手》网剧 主创阵容曝光

    发布时间:2018-04-16 11:22

    近日, 由触控科技发展有限公司、星座魔山影视传媒股份有限公司、星座绅士新蜂影视传媒有限公司出品的网络剧《亡灵杀手》(暂定名)曝光幕后主创团队。《亡灵杀手》网剧 主创阵容曝光《亡灵杀手》(暂定名)作为触控的第一部影视作品,拥有触控游戏的自主的游戏IP,在行业内备受关注。主创团队均为...[详情]


Undead Slayer Sword Fighting is the best free Action RPG game for Android. If you have been a range hunter or melee demon in enough dungeon crawlers and slayers, seen all the loot, blood & glory and wraith, cleared the crime city, feel like you have been a warrior for all eternity already fighting dragons, answer the call, fight for the torchlight of hope, do your duty and choose to be a legendary hero (or heroes of destiny if you will) in the action role playing game Blade Warrior.Undead Slayer Sword Fighting is being developed by the all indie game studio MobileBits. The game is still in development and we hope you will take this chance to shape this free game with us together to make it a real top pick and award winning game with lots of prizes You are the legendary hero to regain your lost younger sister from the devils. Defeat diablo and save her! Key features: - battle lots of different and diversified enemies and fight with lots of weapons, swords, items, spells, equipment, gear and loot. Kill like a - play as an Angel now with more - our favourite user comment "This game is better than Heaven Devil MU". - ninja samurai - knight of heaven (aka angel). - 20 different heroes: Choose your play style from melee warriors to range mages. - five different game modes in legendary quests including time run, arena, hellgate, crystal defense and boss fights. races including Demon and Human coming soon. Download the best game Undead Slayer Sword Fighting right now for free.[详情]

