沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2016-11-11 23:24



《沙漠蠕虫 Desert Worms》是由开发商Devm Games近日公布的一款全新的赛车类游戏。玩家在游戏中需要驾驶一辆沙漠越野车,在荒无人烟的外星沙漠中不停奔驰。而在车后会有大量的沙漠蠕虫将你当做猎物而追逐你,一旦被它们追上便车毁人亡,玩家在不同的地图中躲避蠕虫的狩猎,收集各种旗帜,累计积分,便可以解锁新的车型。


沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介

沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介

沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介

沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介

沙漠蠕虫好玩吗 沙漠蠕虫玩法简介



Colonization went fine, until They awoke. In the last steps of the evacuation you must collect the remaining research data and avoid being eaten by the giant worms. Race across the dusty planet and seek temporary refuge on cliffs and buildings from the vicious monsters. - Aggressive, scary and unpredictable worm AI. (almost as smart as real worms) - Speed boosters and decoys to help in the wormiest moments. - Multiple cars unlocked throughout the wormy campaign. - 20 challenging worm-filled levels. - Achievements and ghost recordings of your previous worm-evading attempts.[详情]