Future Strike Gear游戏攻略

  • Future Strike Gear破解版怎么下载 破解版下载安装教程

    发布时间:2018-11-16 21:35

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  • Future Strike Gear好玩吗 Future Strike Gear玩法简介

    发布时间:2018-11-16 04:53

    期待已久的手游Future Strike Gear即将登陆九游,这款手机游戏吸引了大批玩家的关注,有很多粉丝都在问九游小编Future Strike Gear好玩吗?Future Strike Gear值不值得玩?现在就为大家来简单分析下,看看这款游戏的玩法特点和游戏剧情介绍。1...[详情]

Future Strike Gear

In the far galaxy, two big power are constantly war. The Dark Axis representing the dark force. In order to increase military resources, they invasion Electron-F planet. Fighter on the Electron-F planet with light force take off to fight back immediately! ~FEATURES~ - Hpyer 2D shooting. - More Beautiful character and funny enemies will coming with game update. - Unique stages. - Spectacular end-of-level bosses. - Leader boards and challenge.[详情]