The EscapistsN怎么下载到手机 最新安卓版下载地址

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2018-03-30 20:26

The EscapistsN怎么才能下载到最新的版本呢?想要比别人前线体验到游戏的操作快感,那么提前下载到游戏是关键,不过有玩家说在下载的时候找不到最新版本,也不知道下载地址,其实很简单,三招解决你的烦恼,同时还有安装The EscapistsN教程派送,希望对大家有帮助哦!

The EscapistsN下载最新版本方法:



用手机浏览器直接搜索【The EscapistsN九游】,点击开The EscapistsN官网链接,你将可以看到有两个下载按钮,分别是【高速下载】【普通下载】,你可以在这里任意选择,不过九游小编推荐大家去下载高速,这样可以大大的节省你的时间,直接点击九游可以在手机上安装最新The EscapistsN。



直接在九游游戏客户端中,你可以下载到最新版本的The EscapistsN,如图所示,在搜索栏上输入The EscapistsN搜索到最新的安卓版下载地址,不用四处寻求游戏下载包,简简单单的两步你就可以安装了,同时​还有大量的安卓手机游戏攻略。

你和The EscapistsN只差一个九游客户端,点击下载立即体验游戏!




点击高速下载和GD一起面对面 智能预约礼包和下载你还等什么

如上图,玩家只需要在搜索框中输入The EscapistsN,就可以搜索到The EscapistsN安卓版专区啦,一边下载最新安卓版,一边查看攻略两不误呢。下载完成之后,手机会自动弹出安装提示,如果有安全软件阻止切记点击允许安装。待安装完毕之后,就可以在手机上玩The EscapistsN了。


​1、玩家可以在九游官网搜索The EscapistsN,点击进入游戏专区。在The EscapistsN专区首页的右上角,就可以找到最新安卓下载地址啦。点击安卓版下载,就可以将The EscapistsN的apk文件即手机游戏安装包下载到电脑上。

2、下载完毕之后,玩家再通过数据线将手机与电脑连接在一起,并将已经在电脑上下载好的The EscapistsNapk文件转移到手机上。再在手机上点击安装,安装成功之后就可以直接进入The EscapistsN啦。

The Escapists

Dive in the multi-million selling prison escape game, which which now includes another prison for the festive season, "Santa's Sweatshop"! Craft, Steal, Brawl and ESCAPE! You’ve landed yourself in prison again, and your only chance is to engineer an escape by any means necessary. How you do it is up to you! Why not cause a prison riot? Or dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors? The Escapists is a unique prison sandbox experience with lots of items to craft and combine in your daring quest for freedom. Life in prison will keep you on your toes with the strict rules that you’ll have to break. The guards are out to stop any escape attempts, so you’ll have to avoid suspicious behaviour by attending roll calls, working a prison job and hiding your stolen craftables. Escaping is what you do best, and you’ll have to prove your skills in a variety of challenging prisons from across the world. Now includes a festive themed escape, "Santa's Sweatshop". Sick and tired of bad working conditions and rubbish pay in Santa's cruel regime for 20 years , you decide to hit him where it hurts most in escaping and heading home to your real family! Become an Escapist now![详情]