




  • 泰坦黎明资源怎么收集快 快速获取资源方法

    发布时间:2017-05-27 21:08

    泰坦黎明资源怎么收集快这历来就是玩家关注的焦点。资源关系发展速度,因此资源的收集速度越快,发展速度越快。接下来就让小编跟大家分享下快速获取资源方法。泰坦黎明资源怎么收集快 快速获取资源方法快速获取资源方法资源的手机一般有三种途径 一、自产 自产是最基本的资源和获取方法,对于新手玩...[详情]

  • 泰坦黎明怎么出征 出征排兵布阵技巧

    发布时间:2017-05-27 21:04

    泰坦黎明怎么攻占领地这历来就是玩家关注的焦点。泰坦黎明最重要的一项玩法,也是最好玩的,就是战争了。不少新手玩家不是很清楚要怎么出征,接下来就让小编跟大家分享下出征排兵布阵技巧。泰坦黎明怎么出征 出征排兵布阵技巧出征排兵布阵技巧泰坦黎明攻占领地的技巧涉及战前和战时战前其实很简单,及...[详情]

  • 泰坦黎明兵越多越好吗 出征兵员数量推荐

    发布时间:2017-05-27 20:09

    泰坦黎明兵是越多越好吗这历来就是玩家关注的焦点。泰坦黎明是一款策略游戏,主要作战单位是泰坦和士兵。不少玩家认为兵越多越好,真是如此吗接下来就让小编跟大家推荐下出征兵员数量泰坦黎明兵越多越好吗 出征兵员数量推荐出征兵员数量推荐在泰坦黎明中,兵种有垃圾兵和精兵之分。垃圾兵是指兵营建筑...[详情]

  • 泰坦黎明ios和安卓能一起玩吗 数据互通吗

    发布时间:2017-05-27 19:57

    泰坦黎明ios和安卓能一起玩吗数据互通吗泰坦黎明作为一款策略游戏,如果不能数据互通,ios和安卓不能一起玩,那么就会失去不少趣味。接下来就让小编跟大家分享下泰坦黎明数据互通情况。泰坦黎明ios和安卓能一起玩吗 数据互通吗泰坦黎明数据互通泰坦黎明ios和安卓能一起玩,但是不能数据互...[详情]

  • 泰坦黎明进不去怎么办 闪退黑屏解决办法

    发布时间:2017-05-26 19:30

    泰坦黎明进不去怎么办这历来就是玩家关注的焦点。泰坦黎明闪退黑屏,进不去等问题是不少玩家经常碰上的问题,着实让不少玩家苦恼。接下来就让小编跟大家分享下闪退黑屏解决办法。泰坦黎明进不去怎么办 闪退黑屏解决办法闪退黑屏解决办法 原因一 如果在泰坦黎明提示了网络发生问题的话,那肯定是自己...[详情]

  • 泰坦黎明怎么快速打钱 快速刷钱技巧汇总

    发布时间:2017-05-26 14:42

    泰坦黎明玩到后期,必会发现,自产资源越来越无法满足你得需求,这时候就要考虑怎么打钱的问题了。不过打钱有风险,怎样打钱可是一门学问。接下来就让小编跟大家汇总下快速刷钱技巧。泰坦黎明怎么快速打钱 快速刷钱技巧汇总快速刷钱技巧汇总1.一般打钱要找那种资源多,但是防御薄弱的无名岛屿,这个...[详情]


You’ve never seen a game like this before! Control COLOSSAL TITANS and THOUSANDS OF WARRIORS in STUNNING 3D wars! CAPTURE enemy lands, grow your army, and come to fight, because in Dawn of Titans you either GO BIG or you GO HOME! Join your friends and PLAY FOR FREE! In the most massive ACTION-STRATEGY game on mobile! Key Features: ► Console-Quality Graphics: Build your kingdom and fight enemies in a stunning 3D fantasy world. ► Dominate with Massive Titans: Equip colossal warriors with powerful gear and lead them into epic PvP battles. ► Real-Time Battle Control: Go to war with thousands of troops, all under your direct control. ► Nonstop Events & Campaigns: Remember to check back for daily quests, unique campaigns, and alliance events. ► Forge an Unstoppable Alliance: Unite with friends to strategize in real-time MMO chat and dominate other kingdoms. ► Build the Ultimate Kingdom: Clash against the masses, to capture land and rise up the world ranks. ---------- Data connection required to play. To prevent unauthorized purchases, select “Set or Change PIN” from the Google Play settings menu, create a PIN, then enable the “Use PIN for Purchases” option. You will then be required to enter your PIN before every transaction. Dawn of Titans is published by NaturalMotion Games Additional information: The game is free to play; however, in-app purchases are available for additional content and in-game currency. In-app purchases range from $0.99 to $99.99 USD. Use of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms of Service, found at Collection and use of personal data are subject to Zynga’s Privacy Policy, found at[详情]