
作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2018-02-07 18:41


      【游戏简介】猫咪后院(Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector)是Hit-Point Co.,Ltd.开发的一款休闲益智类游戏。 猫咪后院(Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector)的官方介绍 《猫咪后院 -ねこあつめ》是一款由日本开发商HitPoint推出的猫咪题材的养成游戏。游戏和其他的养成游戏的不同的地方在于,这游戏不用担心猫咪会饿死、不照顾它们也不会发生各种问题(比如说劣化、黑化、病娇化等),因为它们就只是把你的后院当饭店,来去如风到有时你还不知道它们来过。同时,这款游戏操作起来也很简单。游戏的背景设定在家里的后院,除了无限量供应的饲料(每次登入后再补充即可)外,其他供猫咪们玩乐的物品都可以用灰鱼鱼和金鱼鱼来交换。在后院放上各种猫咪喜欢的物品之后就会有喵喵来玩。



"Playing Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector is as easy as one, two...and that's it! Step 1: Place playthings and snacks in your yard. Step 2: Wait for cats to visit! Attract cats with food and then watch them romp with your toys! More than 40 varieties of cats—white and black, tabby and calico—might stop by. Rare cats are rumored to roam the neighborhood too, but you'll need particular items to entice those elusive felines. Each visitor is logged in your Catbook. Become a master kitty collector and fill it up! You can even make albums of your cat photos, or save them to your device and use them as wallpaper!" "[Suggested For] Android OS 4.0 or higher [Compatible With] Android OS 2.3 or higher If you've found a bug or have other concerns, please contact our technical support team. [Official Website] http://www.nekoatsume.com/en/ [Technical Support] support-cat@hit-point.co.jp We may wish to respond to your inquiry. If you're using an e-mail spam filter, please disable it before you contact us, or add support-cat@hit-point.co.jp to your list of allowed addresses. "[详情]