
  • 跑酷新作《弗雷德滑雪》暴力血腥的延续

    发布时间:2013-07-02 09:49

    大家还记得《狂奔弗雷德》,那款相当虐心的跑酷游戏吗又将开始倒霉的冒险之旅。在新游《弗雷德滑雪 Skiing Fred》中,主角狂奔弗雷德在滑雪的路途上显得非常不太平,各种诡异又致命的道具总出现在弗雷德眼前,比如砍刀、导弹、闪电等等,甚至还有死神在屁股后面追着弗雷德,简直就是不弄死...[详情]


As featured in TegraZone... Enter the perfect chaos of Skiing Fred! The more dangerously you slide, the bigger the reward! Slide turbo-speed, dodge and drift through Fred's trap-ridden world as he escapes Grimmy Reaper. ☣ Free-style control system unlike any other game ☣ Compete and help your friends! ☣ Customize and gear up your character! ☣ Massive Cooperative Missions ☣ Tons of insane vehicles ☣ Dozens of traps and enemies ☣ The best Fred Game ever! A sequel to Falling Fred and Running Fred, Skiing Fred is an over-the-top action-sports game featuring a unique free-movement system that allows you to take control of the action and perform true skill-based special moves. Get daring! Get creative! Get an edge over your friends or get them to help you beat massive Challenges destroying any enemies on your way. You'll be facing of extreme storms, apocalyptic meteor showers and blinding blizzards. Whether looking to beat a friend's record, complete missions, unlock achievements o get that particular item set collection, Skiing Fred packs a full load of fun for everyone! ☣ Play it best on NVIDIA SHIELD! ☣ ☣ Has controller support for SHIELD. ☣ ☣ Built for Tegra controllers. ☣ ☣ Skiing Fred is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at http://www.MOGAanywhere.com ☣[详情]

