粉碎僵尸篮球破解版 Zombie Smash Basketball无限钻石版下载

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2017-03-03 13:59

粉碎僵尸篮球破解版 <a id='link_pop' class='keyword-tag' href='https://www.9game.cn/zombiesmash/'>Zombie Smash</a> Basketball无限钻石版下载

游戏简介:Zombie Smash Basketball《粉碎僵尸篮球》玩家手中的篮球并不可以发射弹药或者化作墙壁。在老爷子的院子里有个篮球框,玩家只需要划动屏幕篮球丢进框中就可以积累能量值,当能量值足够便可以将篮球换作炸弹、地雷、冰冻弹等等道具投掷到僵尸群中,造成大量伤害。当然,篮球也可以直接击打僵尸,不过以篮球的硬度,那点伤害最多就只能击杀一些最低级的行尸了。但是当玩家往篮球框中连续投进了十个球,画面左上角的转盘奖励就会开启,临时获得譬如可以让僵尸着火的火焰篮球等效果加成。

粉碎僵尸篮球破解版 Zombie Smash Basketball无限钻石版下载

粉碎僵尸篮球破解版 Zombie Smash Basketball无限钻石版下载


Zombie Smash

Defend the streets from zombies that are invading! Save innocent lives and use different weapons to keep the streets clean from any zombies! Tap on the screen to shoot the zombies.How to Play:-Tap on the screen to shoot-Don't shoot the civilians-Plan your use of weapons to beat certain levelsFeatures:- 30 Levels (More to come)- Endless Mode- Short, challenging, and addictive levels- Shop with weapon and life upgrades- Amazing visuals with body explosions!- 4 Weapons(More to come) each with their own feelWeapons:Pistol - Infinite ammo, decent knock backMachine gun - Hold down your finger for rapid fire, repeating fireShotgun - Covers a wide areaRocket Launcher - Locks on to zombie targets, Covers a HUGE area, does insane damage[详情]