




  • 《只狼》商人在什么位置 商人位置汇总

    发布时间:2019-05-18 07:35


  • 倩女幽魂手游商人玩法 带你一起发家致富

    发布时间:2017-03-09 09:40

    在倩女幽魂这款游戏当中,玩家们还有些不了解的地方,商人怎么玩,话不多说,下面就跟着九游小编一起来一探究竟吧想成为一个合格商人最低要保证2点:倩女幽魂手游商人玩法 带你一起发家致富1、对本区的物价要有一定的认知,能摸清楚走向就更好2、最低保证只要在线每1小时观看一下易市,无聊任务刷...[详情]

  • 故事商人第一章剧情流程通关攻略分享

    发布时间:2017-02-28 10:59

    以下就是小编为大家带来的故事商人第一章剧情流程通关攻略分享故事商人第一章剧情流程通关攻略分享刚开始点小树木们 然后点黑漆漆的背景点走 醒来和罗薇太太谈话 然后序章就过了 。。第一章:起床之后(主角妹子还挺漂亮..)点屏幕最底下点离开前往苗圃与的哥对话拿手推车拿毛巾拿瓶子 拿水桶 ...[详情]

  • 海盗与商人游戏怎么玩新手攻略分享

    发布时间:2017-01-19 03:24

    海盗与商人游戏怎么玩?海盗与商人游戏新手操作技巧?接下来小编为大家详解一下:开始游戏界面,最多三个存档海盗与商人游戏怎么玩新手攻略分享分别是1.名字2.性别3.来自的国家(不列颠 荷兰 法兰西 红叉叉)4.力量5.智商6,嘴炮(交流)7.投机者水手(不知道什么效果)海盗与商人游戏...[详情]

  • 旁观者Beholder商人剧情攻略

    发布时间:2016-11-13 02:53



Internet not required for play Introducing The Frozen Tome Expansion! This expansion includes a new region, a new prestige level, a new hero type, 2 more hero slots, another page of inventory, and more hero skills! A Medieval Fantasy Tycoon RPG Join the Merchant community on Reddit! * * * As the Merchant, you are the commander of your own domain! Blending together traditional RPG systems, tycoon mechanics, and a fantasy overworld, Merchant aims to reimagine the traditional mobile RPG. In Merchant, players take the role of a shopkeeper who must manage a team of Heroes and Crafters. Heroes are sent out on quests in order to fight enemies and gather materials. Crafters then use those materials to create weapons and armor. As the shopkeeper, players must balance their micro-economies between selling items for gold and crafting items to better ensure success for the Heroes. * * * TAKE REIGN OF YOUR MARKET - Send Heroes out on epic adventures! - Pay Crafters to create gear! - Earn gold and dictate the direction of your economy! - Grow your inventory and profit from your trade empire! VICTORY THROUGH CONQUEST - Choose your cast of characters from multiple Hero classes! - Ride out to battle to bring back items and loot! - Customize your champions with weapons and armor! - Band together to raid powerful bosses as a party! - Better performance leads to greater rewards! CRAFT YOUR LEGACY - Utilize the unique Crafters to create items and gear to use and sell! - Train the Crafters to create better items, allowing them to master their trade! - Ensure the victory of your Heroes by outfitting them with superior items! * * * As Featured In: - Examiner: - JayIsGames: - BadCoyoteFunky:[详情]