
作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2015-12-17 10:53


元素骑士:领域(RPG Elemental Knights Online(3D MMO))是开发的一款角色扮演类游戏。 元素骑士:领域(RPG Elemental Knights Online(3D MMO))的官方介绍 Elemental Knights Online(元素骑士[2] )是日本开发商WINLIGHT的一款最新的Android网络游戏,在8月24号的时候,这款游戏才进行封测活动的,它的全称是Elemental Knights Online THE WORLD(元素骑士:领域)。 这是一款大型3D在线RPG游戏,游戏一开始会有四种职业可以选择:战士、盗贼、牧师和法师,而且你还能够自定义角色的外观和性别。 一位玩家最多可以创造4 个角色,丰富的纸娃娃系统也是这款游戏的可爱之处。跟大部份的线上角色扮演游戏一样,玩家可以在许多地图上组个4 人小队出发冒险,透过跟NPC 对话触发超过100 多个的任务,也可以用聊天、表情、手势系统跟其他玩家产生更多互动。 游戏提供了一个大型的世界,里面有草原、森林、沙漠、城墙、寺庙等等!一款日系风格的大型3D在线RPG游戏,你可以在游戏中从战士、盗贼、牧师和法师中选择职业,定制角色外貌、性别,最 元素骑士图片 元素骑士图片[3] 多创造4个角色组成小队,在广阔的世界中展开冒险。 游戏中透过跟NPC 对话触发超过100 多个的任务,也可以用聊天、表情、手势系统跟其他玩家产生更多互动。 一个完全新的和原始的MMORPG只有日文版现已上市。**英文版本即将到来**请不要在您的评价语言!请率上一切的游戏,但语言(如声音,图形,游戏,音乐等)。一个低等级将使其难以实施英语版本!日文版只是暂时的!谢谢。※玩家可以探索在BETA测试期免费游戏的一部分。现在,实时全3DRPG与世界上任何人,你可以玩! 加入你的朋友,通过神秘的土地大冒险!获得经验,你的冒险开拓新的就业类!尝试所有的类,并获得大量的技能!也许你会创建自己的原创类!为每个类的无限COSPLAY设备(总计超过2000种传播万亿项目)。独特的自定义你的性格和征服的怪物,敢拿你的路径!●角色创造和COSPLAY的项目,给你的权力定制和开发你的头像: ·在游戏开始的4个基本类:战士,盗贼,牧师,和向导。 ·自定义你的性别和外观。使用在各个班级中获得的经验,最终创建自己的原创类! ·最多可以创建四个大字。●沟通与世界各地的玩家: 固定聊天,免费聊天,表情符号,和手势提供了一个有趣的和有意义的方式沟通,太多的选择! ·创建四个党和乐队一起巨大的敌人战斗!这很容易发挥,但在比较困难的冒险,你就必须与其他玩家组队!让我们寻求友谊和建立相互信任的关系!●通过世界的冒险欢蹦乱跳: ·通过草原,森林,沙漠,城墙,寺庙,以及更多的旅程。 数百个游戏人物交谈,并清除超过100任务! ·完整的故事任务解决的元素龙之谜! 元素骑士:领域 更新说明: 2.0.1版本 ◆更新 ■bug修复 •修正了在移动终端运行中,当移动速度低于恒定时,一部分不能移动的问题。 ※请检查在游戏中的新闻更新的详细信息。







Achievement of Three Million Installations of Elemental Knights Series!! We are very thankful for all and provide these specials. - Get rewarded as much as you play ELEMENTAL KNIGHTS ONLINE(EKO) ELEMENTAL KNIGHTS ONLINE is an anime-style MMORPG featuring borderless access and global entertainment. Join your friends on a grand adventure through mysterious lands with eccentric locals... ********************************************************* This game features: - Monk, thief, bishop, wizard, magiknight, and more job-classes - Thousands of items, a trillion combinations, and cosplay gear such as Graham Cracker Wings - Hundreds of NPCs and over 100 quests - Party creation with up to four people - Free chat, emoticons, and gestures - Play in English or Japanese - Grassy plains, forests, deserts, underground canals, haunted castles, and... snow hedgehogs. - Special events hosted twice a month - Gacha for the gambler inside you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ●The World's Destiny Spirits, creatures, and humans have been blessed with technology and magic as a means of living thanks to ELEMENTAL: the power that dwells inside all of nature and the resting place of the gods. 300 years ago, lust for this power drove the citizens of this world into a Great War with one another. But four heroes stood up in the name of peace and would restore harmony to the land... Centuries later, the monsters and spirits have grown violent. The Dragons awaken from a three century slumber. A wave of tragic incidents ensues... Each country dispatches their knights and adventurers to investigate the recent outbreak of bizarre happenings. What is the meaning of all this? Now you must take up your arms and armor. On your journey you shall encounter beautiful witches, humble townspeople, despondent warriors, breathtaking vistas, and wicked adversaries. Let nothing prevent you from solving the mystery behind the recent chaos! Our world is in peril. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Recommended Requirements OS:Android 4.0 or higher ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Join us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ElementalKnightsOnline Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/Ekoworlds Watch us on YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/EKOTHEWORLD Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDiMKXITG1bXyIvT1pIC_4Q ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------------------------------------- ***Due to individual devices and network environments, some users may experience difficulty accessing the game unless connected to a Wi-Fi network. Only one or even all of the possible connection methods may work depending on each individual's circumstances. There are no refunds for not being able to connect using your preferred method.[详情]