
  • Steam上特别好评 冒险解谜游戏《麋鹿人》即将登陆手机端

    发布时间:2018-04-14 15:09

    近日《第五人格》可以说是成功的火了一把,不仅因为非对抗性这种新奇的玩法标签,还有游戏中那诡异而怪诞的艺术风格。那夏末就给大家介绍一款同样拥有诡异风格的游戏《麋鹿人》,一起来看看吧~Steam上特别好评 冒险解谜游戏《麋鹿人》即将登陆手机端《麋鹿人》源自于芬兰乌戈尔族过去的异教徒文...[详情]


Welcome to the mysterious world of ancient myth, based on finno-ugric culture of bygone pagan times. Long-long time ago the world was created out of an egg-shell by a god named Yen. In the murky depths of the endless ocean the Lower World was born. The Middle World was made for the men to dwell, and the Upper World was were the ancient gods would reside. Multitudes of spirits dwell among the layers of creation, guarding their secrets in the dark. Embark on a journey through all the worlds of ancient myth, find artefacts of Chud' tribes and solve all the mysteries of finno-ugric tales. You are the Mooseman and you have the ability to see all that is hidden to the mortal eye. You are about to visit three layers of this universe - the first one is the Lower World where the spirits of the dead reside. * Explore the worlds inspired by Perm animal style * Dive into the deep atmosphere of folk Komi music * Meet long forgotten gods and spirits * Learn the ancient myths of finno-ugric tribes * Don't expect an easy journey, there are riddles in the dark * Unlock new abilities and use them to get to the Upper World * Find all the artefacts that are hidden from the mortal eye[详情]