
作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2015-05-04 07:14


星之后裔(Dragon Blaze)是GAMEVIL Inc.开发的一款角色扮演类游戏。星之后裔(Dragon Blaze)的官方介绍RPG策略游戏:星之后裔, 具有无与伦比的梦幻剧情!只有你能解开神秘战争中隐藏的秘密!还在等什麽? 立即出发踏上冒险旅程!星之后裔(Dragon Blaze)的特色1. 具有丰富剧情的高水准RPG!- 为了解开永无止尽战争的秘密而展开的艰难冒险- 只有你,宝登的后裔~ 拯救世界的唯一希望.2. 华丽的画质与震憾的视觉效果!- 体验星之后裔! 所带来的充满魅力的精緻画质享受.3. 多达数百名的特色英雄等你收集,化身伙伴一起冒险.- 让故事剧情中出现的主要人物成为自己的伙伴吧.4. 透过五人队伍与阵营, 建立专属于自己的超强战队!- 由你扮演主角,随心所欲搭配四名最强伙伴,一起冒险犯难.- 因应战斗需求可自由设定策略性的阵营.5. 无论是谁都能轻鬆上手的战斗系统!- 可透过自动战斗及自动唤回功能来召唤帮手,让战斗更加得心应手.6. 与好友协力闯关,并一起竞争的多样化游戏模式!- 快来体验即时副本, PvP竞技场及无限迷宫等...与众不同的游戏内容.








Extraordinary graphics RPG ★Dragon Blaze★ You're the only one who can solve the mystery about this never ending war! Get ready to go on an adventure in Dragon Blaze. ■ High quality RPG with an intriguing storyline! - The way to solving the mystery of the never ending war is full of danger. - Boden's descendant, you are the only one who can save this world. ■ Splendid graphics and unique effects! - Enjoy Dragon Blaze's amazing graphics. ■ Enjoy the fun of collecting hundreds of allies. - Make the characters from the stories into your own allies. - Travel with powerful allies. ■ Leveling up your party is easy! - Challenge combined dungeons to level up quicker! - Try different formations and party effects. ■ An easy-to-enjoy auto battle system! - Be victorious by using auto battles and AUTO HELP to summon helpers. - Use the auto retry system to enjoy a more comfortable gameplay. *Access authorization notice for gameplay STORAGE : Authorization is required to store game data. Personal files such as photos will not be accessed. PHONE : Authorization is required to proceed with in-game events and rewards. Will not affect calls. CONTACTS : Authorization is required to sync your friend list and Google Account. ** This game is available in English. ** There may be additional costs when trying to obtain certain items. * GAMEVIL Official Website : https://www.withhive.com * GAMEVIL Customer Support : https://m.withhive.com/customer/inquire Terms of Service: http://terms.withhive.com/terms/bridge/gamevil.html Privacy Policy: http://terms.withhive.com/terms/bridge/gamevil.html[详情]