






Twenty Eight (28) is a popular South Indian Card Game:- 1) Game consists of 4 players (A, B, C and ME). 2) There are two teams, each team will be allocated 10 points. 3) On the game screen you will see a Table on center, 4 Players and Scored board on the bottom. 4) Game progress will be shown at various stages of game on Scoreboard. 5) "Curr" not the top indicates current playing round points. 6) "Bal" indicates remaining points. 7) You will also see trump details. Playing Instruction 1) Drag and Drop to play your card on the empty space between players. 2)To play trump click on the trump card. Then drag respective card. Opening trump is based on 28 rules. 3) A green bulb indicate your playing turn. 4) You can reorder your card if required. 5) For players (A, B and C) system will play, bid and open the trump based on rules. 6) Bidding screen pops up to bid when your turn comes. 7) To pause the game swipe down 8) A player become joker or get Kunnuku. (Player image changes) - Any time a teams balance goes below negative both player gets kunnuku. - To remove kunnuku - Player calls trump above or equal 20 and wins. Player\'s as well as partner kunnukku will be removed. - Player calls trump below 20, his/her kunnuku removed. Menu Details New Game - Starts a new Game Continue - To resume a paused game. Help - Will take you to rules and various instructions. This Version will have advertisement and can proceed only 5 rounds. Paid 28 game version will not have ads and can proceed infinite rounds. 二十八(28)南印度是一种流行的纸牌游戏 - 1)游戏由4名球员(A,B,C和ME)。 2)有两个团队,每个团队将分配10点。 3)在游戏画面上,你会看到             一个表中心,4球员和进球板的底部。 4)游戏进度会显示在游戏的不同阶段,记分牌上。 5)“当前”的顶部,表示当前播放的回合点数。 6)“BAL”表示其余各点。 7)您还将看到王牌细节。 播放指令  1)拖放发挥你的卡上球员之间的空白空间。     2)要播放的王牌王牌点击。然后拖动相应的卡。开幕特朗普是根据28条规则。 3)绿色灯泡表明您玩的转。 4)您可以重新排列你的卡,如果需要的话。 5)对于球员(A,B和C)系统会玩,出价,打开规则的基础上的王牌。 6)招标屏幕上弹出申办当轮到你。 7)要暂停游戏向下滑动 8)球员成为百搭或得到Kunnuku。 (播放图像的变化) - 任何时候队余额低于负球员,得到kunnuku。 - 要删除kunnuku的 - 玩家调用王牌大于或等于20胜。播放器\“,以及伙伴kunnukku将被删除。 - 玩家呼吁在20以下,他/她kunnuku的王牌删除。 菜单细节 新游戏 - 开始一个新游戏 继续 - 继续暂停游戏。 - 将带你到规则和各种指令。   此版本将有广告,可以只进行5轮。支付28游戏版本将不会有广告和可以继续无限两轮。[详情]

