




  • 卡牌神偷卡牌策略评测

    发布时间:2017-04-28 06:27


  • 卡牌神偷装备升级攻略 装备详解

    发布时间:2017-04-28 06:23

    在卡牌神偷这款手游里面装备都是干什么用的呢?怎样给装备升级呢?还不清楚的小伙伴赶紧和卤蛋君一起看看吧 装备的消耗值按作用目标的价值多寡来扣除 例:当前装备价值5,作用目标价值1,则本次消耗1,价值2则消耗2、价值5则该装备耗尽。 装备卡无法作用在价值比装备自身大的目标身上。 无消...[详情]

  • 卡牌神偷英文版界面介绍 教学翻译详解

    发布时间:2017-04-27 13:35

    玩个卡牌神偷实在不想再去找翻译软件或者查词典才能知道这个词到底是什么意思,那么有这方面苦恼的小伙伴就要来看看本期攻略了哦快来一睹大神的神作吧游戏界面介绍卡牌神偷英文版界面介绍 教学翻译详解这个界面的右上角是分别是登陆Google和设置界面。卡牌神偷英文版界面介绍 教学翻译详解最上...[详情]

  • 卡牌神偷新手快速成长攻略 卡牌介绍、装备搭配推荐

    发布时间:2017-04-27 11:23


  • 卡牌神偷玩法第二张图全方位攻略

    发布时间:2017-04-27 10:05

    卡牌神偷这款手游玩起来还是很有难度的,那么怎样能顺利过关呢?有需要的小伙伴快来和卤蛋君一起瞻仰大神的神攻略吧 目前打到第二张图,花了2.99美刀解锁了开箱时间玩法九宫格走迷宫的玩法,路线不可交叉不可重复。确定路线后长按主角牌开始走路并结束回合,若你清除了台面上所有的卡,且此时你的...[详情]


*** German Developer Award - Best Game Design 2017 *** *** German Games Award - Best Mobile Game 2018 *** In Card Thief you move through a deck of cards as a stealthy thief. Sneak in the shadows, extinguish torches, pickpocket guards and steal valuable treasures without getting caught. In your thief hideout you can use your stolen goods to unlock powerful equipment cards. Each heist you can use 3 equipment cards to become a skillful master thief. Card Thief, the official follow up to Tinytouchtales excellent dungeon crawler Card Crawl, attempts to condense the classic stealth genre into a solitaire style card game. The game offers an accessible core gameplay with a deep layer of tactical planning and various risk reward mechanics on top. In 4 different heists you can test your skills against various enemy and trap types. By successfully completing heists you can unlock and upgrade 12 equipment cards each with a unique ability to improve your highscores. Features + Solitaire style gameplay + 4 heists each with different enemy and obstacle types + 12 unlock able and upgradable equipment cards + Mini deck building + Daily Heist with global highscores + Deep tactical planning for fans of the stealth genre + 2-3mins playtime per game Visit &[详情]